Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tuesday, March 10, 2009 ad 4

Abecedarian (n.): A person learning the alphabet. For more unconventional intelligence visit ad 3

Agerasia (n.): Looking younger than you actually are. For more unconventional intelligence visit ad 2

Recumbentibus (n.): a verbal knockout punch. For more unconventional intelligence visit ad

Hippopotomonstrosesquipidalian (n.): relating to very long words. For more unconventional intelligence visit

The Croc-eat-dog promotion

Cornetto Consumer Promotion

When consumers find a Mp3 player inside their fake Cornetto they can then swap in the fake ice cream for a real one.

Colgate Ambient

French Pop Musak

Tango classes

Durex Print

Peugeot 308 Truck Ambient

Peugeot 308 Airport Ambient

Classifieds' outdoor campaign

Monday, March 9, 2009

Harley Ambient

Bus advertising

Visa Outdoor

With real man!

Maglite: Buddha

'I'd do anything for money' TV show

really cool way to use the medium

School of Visual Arts: Think

This campaign reflects that tradition by encouraging people everywhere to "think" while also giving them a place to write down their thoughts.

Artwork for Lance Armstrong's charity Livestrong

Not much of an idea here, but the Obama-ish artwork is cool